The British Council, in partnership with the World Bank, is organising the MENA Social Enterprise Forum on 17 and 18 March 2016 in Rabat.
The objective of the Forum is to launch a dialogue about the potential of social enterprises in MENA and how it could become an engine of employment, economic growth, and enhanced service delivery. It will also consider the role of social enterprises in delivering sustainable and inclusive development, tackling inequality and unemployment issues, and helping to address some of the biggest challenges in the region.
The event provides a safe environment to engage in a candid discussion to identify common challenges, best practices, insights and experiences, and policy options to promote social enterprise sector in the MENA region.
The forum will be an opportunity to discuss the findings of the MENA companion report which will reflect the analysis already given in the global report “Think Global Trade Social” and will provide us with a clear understanding of how Social Entrepreneurship fits with the cultural and economic reality of the MENA region.
- Presentation of the findings of the MENA companion report: Think Global, Trade Social.
- The main constraints/ Challenges for the development of the social enterprise sector in the MENA region.
- Policies to support the Social Enterprise Sector
- The role of the international organisations and the private sector in the development of social enterprise sector.
The event‘s format will combine plenary presentations with panel discussions and round tables. Every session aims to promote interactions between international and local experts as well as between policy makers and practitioners.
The event will bring together a mix of high level stakeholders, including policy makers, senior representatives from the donor community, social enterprises, financial institutions, and civil society throughout the MENA region.
Dates and venue
Date: Thursday 17 March and Friday 18 March 2016 from 09:00 to 16:30
Venue : Hotel Tour Hassan, Rabat
The participation is by invitation only. If you want to join us, please register here.
Connect with us on social media @ma_british and and join the debate by using the hashtag #SEMENA !