Wednesday 24 March 2021 -
17:30 to 21:00

As part of the British Council’s celebrations of the ‘International Women’s Day 2021’ and in the framework of its ‘Leadership for Gender Equality’ programme, join us in this exciting webinar on the 24th of March 2021.

In the COVID-19 crisis, girls and women have been the most to be seriously affected by the pandemic on different levels. There is increasing evidence that the disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, making existing inequalities for women and girls worse. Even though women have demonstrated powerful leadership skills on many levels, they still need a boast from institutions and organisations to support them to realise their potential and harness their already existing skills. 

Under the title ‘Women Leaders in the COVID-19 Crisis: Turning Challenges into Opportunities’, this webinar is organised by the Youth Centre for Research and Development (YCRD), in the framework of the British Council’s ‘Leadership for Gender Equality’ programme which focuses on progressing gender equality and addressing the gender gaps in leadership by providing dialogue and capacity-building opportunities to civil society and higher education leaders.

This event is an opportunity to share female resilience journey during the Covid-19 crisis. 

Moderated by Ms Touria Eloumri (Gender Expert), in the first part of the webinar, speakers; Ms Mouna Saihi (KOLONA MAAK Coordinator at the National Union of Moroccan Women - Morocco), Ms Menna Mosbah (Founder of Young Egyptian Feminists League – Egypt), and Ms Hadil Al-Ashwal (Founder and Director of the MENA AGE – Yamen) will discuss and tackle how government and organisations in the MENA region are acting to mitigate the negative impact of Covid-19 on women. The second part, the webinar will highlight women’s participation as a powerful force at the centre of recovery, by listening to women’s success stories. 

The webinar will take place via Zoom on the 24th of March 2021 from 18:30 to 20:00 (GMT+1). Registration and attendance are free and open to all.

Visit the ‘Leadership for Gender Equality’ programme page for more information.