IELTS test fee

The IELTS test fee is 2600 MAD.


We have been made aware of fraudulent websites pretending to be the British Council IELTS registration sites. Please be advised that they are not associated with us in any form. We are also not responsible for the content available on these websites.

To ensure your details are safe, please only book your test by clicking on the registration link here on this site or on the TakeIELTS website. 

Before you enter your personal details, please check that you are using our secure online registration system. You can do this by making sure the website address starts with “https://”. In addition fraudulent sites may use incorrect spellings in the website address, so check that “British Council” is spelt correctly. 

If you are not sure, please use this link to book your IELTS test

Test dates and locations

We offer IELTS tests in Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech and Tangier. Wherever you choose to take your test, your registration will be handled by the British Council.

Places are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so we strongly recommend that you register online at least one month prior to the test date. Please note, once all the test places have been assigned and the session is full, the test will no longer appear on our online registration system. Check live information on test place availability

You will receive a letter once you have registered confirming the timetable and venue for your test. You will then receive a second email approximately a week before the test with more detailed information about the timetable and venue.

If you have any questions about applying for a test, or require any further information, please contact British Council Rabat by email.

Available written tests

The tables below show the available upcoming written test dates in Morocco. 

There are no IELTS test dates currently for registration. Please check back soon.

Venue details for the written test

The IELTS written test takes place at:

Rabat: École de Gouvernance et d'Economie de Rabat Avenue Mohamed Ben Abdellah Regragui, Rabat 10112, Morocco

Casablanca: Juan Ramon Jiminez 192, Bvd. d`Anfa 20050 Casablanca. Morocco

Marrakech: SIST MARRAKECH, Avenue Agdal, Marrakech, Morocco

Tangier: SIST British University, 21 Rue Nador, Tanger, Morocco


Speaking tests 

Please note that the written test venue will be different from your speaking test venue, and the venues for each test will be confirmed in the e-mails you receive after you have registered.

Rabat: British Council. 11 Avenue Allal Ben Abdellah. 5eme Etage. Rabat. Morocco BP: 427.

Casablanca: British Council. 87 Boulevard Nador. Polo. 

Marrakech: SIST MARRAKECH, Avenue Agdal, Marrakech, Morocco

Tangier: SIST British University, 21 Rue Nador, Tanger, Morocco