Through Learning Time with Shaun & Timmy your child learn with the world’s English experts and will benefit from British Council’s 75 years of teaching experience.

Your child will be thoroughly engaged through the unique and entertaining stories of Shaun the Sheep & Timmy. Their memorable stories provide context for children to learn and remember English. In addition to teaching your child English, we develop their essential skills, self-expression and ability to make decisions. As a result, you'll notice a development in their imagination, creativity and communication skills.    

What are the course stages and what will your child be doing in class?

Four to five year olds (4+)

  • Join in with repeated refrains in songs and stories.
  • Be able to follow a story with pictures or props.
  • Be aware of the way stories are structured.
  • Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall and anticipate key events.
  • Extend vocabulary by grouping and naming objects.
  • Say the alphabet.
  • Begin to talk about size of everyday objects, e.g. big, small.
  • Give meaning to the marks they make as they draw, write and paint.
  • Use three fingers (tripod grip) to hold writing tools.
  • Understand and use some positional language.
  • Look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change.
  • Recognise and recite numbers in order to 15 and use some number names accurately in play.
  • Count and record using marks they can interpret and explain.

Five to six year olds (5+)

Age: Five to six years old (5+)

In this course stage your child will: 

  • Identify and describe main story settings, events and principal characters, and suggest how a story might end.
  • Imitate a familiar story.
  • Start to innovate and change a familiar story supported by an innovative approach from Talk4writing.   
  • Represent a changed story through chosen form of expression e.g. art, drama, dance/movement, IT or writing.
  • Invent a new story and represent it through desired expression.
  • Extend vocabulary by grouping and naming objects.
  • Order and sequence familiar events in stories and/or familiar steps in an everyday task.
  • Be aware of own feelings and describe some of them.
  • Describe self, identify abilities, and express preferences and opinions.
  • Recreate roles and experiences in play situations.
  • Link sounds to letters, begin to segment sounds in simple words and blend them together to read.
  • Say the number that is one more than a given number and recognise the numerals 1-20.
  • Find the total number of items in two or three groups, by counting all of them, and record using marks they can interpret and explain.
  • Use a pencil effectively to form recognisable letters and attempt to write short sentences in meaningful contexts.